If you wish to connect Ghost Members with Hyvor Talk, you can use Hyvor Talk's SSO feature. We have a detailed guide on our blog.
To add Hyvor Talk to Ghost, you need to edit your theme. If you are not sure how to do it, check Ghost's documentation
After downloading your theme, open the template file you want to add comments to.
Usually, it is post.hbs
<script async src="https://talk.hyvor.com/embed/embed.js" type="module"></script>
<hyvor-talk-comments website-id="YOUR_WEBSITE_ID" page-id="{{ comment_id }}"></hyvor-talk-comments>
This code uses Ghost's {{ comment_id }}
as the
<script async src="https://talk.hyvor.com/embed/newsletter.js" type="module"></script>
<hyvor-talk-newsletter website-id="YOUR_WEBSITE_ID"></hyvor-talk-newsletter>
<script async src="https://talk.hyvor.com/embed/memberships.js" type="module"></script>